Piles of Pins

I don't know about you guys but when I am sewing, pins end up all over the place~ in piles on my cutting table, on my ironing board and by my sewing machine.  Hopefully one of those locations will have my pin cushion near by. Here is where they ended up...

To Quilt or Not to Quilt?

Over the last few days, I have tried to make a real quilt.  OK, it is a crib quilt, but I did actually quilt it and piece it evenly and attempted to bind it.  I know people devote entire blogs and websites just to quilting and now I can see why....

Today She is Five

Today is my middle girl's birthday.  Here she is telling me about all the STUFF she wants. I think for my birthday I will ask to freeze time and for her to stay exactly as she is today and never change a bit.  But my birthday is in 6 months and she...