In other news, I participated in Jen's "try it" flickr group. Cal was still in his PJs and the light was pretty meager but I figured I could just try since waiting for the sun to shine in January in Western PA could take weeks! Also, I took Vanessa's advice and bought a fliter/ reflector that not only softens bright sunlight but also will reflect a little light to give a better affect. The result was a great capture of my boy.

He is "framed" by the table in the background and I used the reflector side to give extra light to his face. I took about 50 pictures to try this out and this one was the first! What have you been trying out lately? Jenny is going to do a series on this "try it" theme and I am looking forward to getting more tips! Check out her flickr page to see how beautifully she photographs her children (and mine since they are her neices and nephew!)