
February 2, 2012

Today I needed a distraction from pattern writing and Cal and I needed to get out of the house. We paid a quick trip to the thrift store and although I was looking for other things, I ended up in the t-shirt section.  I don't usually shop the clothes since I am a bad clothes shopper in general (my poor mother has experienced this over and over and over!), but since I was looking at clothes to repurpose I actually did OK over there!

Elsie has decided jeans are no longer acceptable in her wardrobe.  In an effort to make it through this stage without so many tears before school in the morning, I bought these nice LL Bean tees at the thrift store ($3 each!) and used the Lil Blue Boo Leggings pattern that I already bought last year.  That is one easy and quick pattern!  


I know I could have gone to Old Navy or Target to buy leggings very cheaply but those places are pretty far for me to drive and the Goodwill is only about 5 minutes away.

She's stylin and I had a break from the computer screen!  The shirts were extra large so I just used the existing hem.  When I make this pattern again, I will make sure the knit is more stretchy since she had trouble pulling them on.  Once they are on though, they are mighty cute and comfortable!

Crazy and disheveled little sister wanted to get in on the picture taking action…

There was plenty of left over fabric and I used a new grey tee shirt and a green thrift store tee shirt to make a quick dress for Anne.  I used this tutorial as inspiration.  The seams on the outside are genuis since they hide imperfections and I like the look.  This was REALLY fast and the result is great.  Knits are very forgiving and easy with the right tools.

 and here she is in rock star pose (which I guess is just mad face)…

and finally some freckles and whispy orange hair to go with your coffee this morning…

This dress is a great beginner project.  The hard part would be making that tee shirt top and it is already done for you since you just cut up a plain tee shirt!  I used my ball point needle and just a regular straight stitch.  No need for the serger with either of these projects.  Also, be sure to try that lettuce edge hem!  That is so fun and easy!  Just zig zag along the edge and you get that darling hem.  

I hope you feel inspired to try something new!  Let me know how it goes!



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