Five Pieces of Clothing Sewn by a Non Clothing Sewer

January 24, 2015

Just like yesterday when I wrote about quilting, I wanted to share some clothes I sewed for myself over the last few years even though I consider myself not a women’s clothes sewer.  Again, I was inspired to by the comments from the Ultimate DIY Bundle Flash Giveaway I did on Wednesday.  So many people are intimidated by sewing clothes for themselves!  Me, too, friends. Me too.  It is hard but I hope this blog post might help…

Five Pieces Sewn by Gingercake

That’s right!  My shape is not ideal for sewing my own clothes.  I am really tall (5’11”), I have a thick waist, skinny legs, flat bottom AND a large(ish) chest and shoulders.  In fact, when I try to size myself on typical patterns, my measurements are always way off the regular S, M, L.  I am somewhere between an 8 and a 14!  BUT, I have accomplished some sewing for myself over the years in spite of this challenge.  And I know you can do it too!  It really takes choosing something simple and flattering for your shape- like the clothes you already own that you like and feel good about wearing.

Clockwise from the top left, I have the School House TunicSummer Skirts, Tova Top, Drapey Cardigan, and my favorite pair of shorts.

I still wear all of them except the drapey cardigan since I did not make that one with very nice fabric (clearance from Joann’s was not the best choice!).  I also had to alter the tova top since that one was from my nursing the baby days and ended up being too big when I was finished nursing.

The Ultimate DIY Bundle has several women’s sewing patterns!  I especially like the Parisian top for me.  But all 3 of these are lovely and would be so pretty on different people. Also (and now I know this from making a few knit pieces!) this top has NO exposed seams.  They are all folded over cuffs which make really easy professional looking knits.  AND, the pattern gives you tons of sewing with knits help.




A very close second is this lovely Sugar Pop Top by Sew Caroline.  This top is made using wovens and again has that sweet but stylish peter pan collar.  Also- it features a lovely and subtle high low hem line.  With my body shape, I am a little nervous to try this one but I might make a muslin to see if it would work before using my fancy fabrics and hope for the best.


The last women’s pattern is another one by the very talented Sew Caroline.  This one is for beginners and would be a PERFECT first project for any new sewer.  I honestly think that one of the best things we can do is share our sewing with other people.  I can just imagine that this would be the perfect project to invite a friend who has expressed interest in sewing over and to make this skirt together.  It is so precious.  I WILL NOT be making it for me since I am POSITIVE this would look terrible on my body type.  But I do know some friends who would look adoarble in it.


These 3 adorable patterns are $34.00 if you bought them all individually.  But, right now, they are part of the Ultimate DIY Bundle, which includes 72 other ebook and courses AND 5 bonuses for only $34.95.  That is crazy friends.  Totally crazy.  That is why I am telling you all about this so much!  I am honestly really excited about it.  Click on this image below to learn more~


Disclosure: I have included affiliate links in this post. Read the fine print about this bundle and read the answers to frequently asked questions about the bundle.  Email me to talk more about I am compensated if you are curious and I will let you know more details.


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