Sadly, this bundle will be gone tomorrow and this offer will be over forever. Clock is ticking!
If you have not already purchased this bundle, what is holding you back? Here are some things that usually hold me back and I wonder if you might feel the same…
- TIME- “When would I possibly be able to do all this stuff? Every moment of my life feels so busy already!” My friend Kerry Burki just blogged about finding extra time in your life for creativity today. I really loved this and think you will too-How do YOU find more time in YOUR day? ONe small thing I have been doing to be able to read the bundle is downloading these ebooks to my IBooks on my tablet and taking it with me to the countless after school activites I have to run around to.
- I DON’T NEED ALL THAT STUFF- Well, I can’t argue too much with that since I am trying hard to have less STUFF in my life too. But I do think that learning more about DIY is helpful on many levels. The feeling of creating something is magical and this bundle has the sparks flying for me! I am excited to start making so many thing- from crafts with my kids, to canning my veggies next summer, to painting that big ugly dresser. This Bundle is going to help me do more with what I already have and I like that.
- TOO EXPENSIVE- $34.95 is not just chump change. I know. It can feel like too much to spend on your hobby. This has to be your personal choice. They have a pay later option but I am not about to recommend that since I never do those pay later things. I think it is worth it, but again, don’t skimp on groceries to get this! I will say though, that knowledge is power, and it might ignite something in you that will be worth the expense down the road.
- I CAN”T FIGURE OUT WHY IT IS SO CHEAP– on the other hand, how can they charge so little for all of this??? Is it a scam? I would never sell you a scam, but I do understand the line of thinking that if this Ultimate DIY Bundle is worth over $1200, how can I be paying only $34.95? Well, the reason is that each individual author markets the bundle themselves and makes a commission on their sales- that is how the authors make all of this worth their time and effort.
I hope that might have cleared up some issues for you! Also check out the FAQ to answer more concerns.
So, one last time~
The Ultimate DIY Bundle includes 75 ebooks and ecourses. It also includes FIVE bonuses that are included in the bundle price of $34.95. The whole thing is themed DIY and includes ebooks and ecourses about decor, crafts, photography, furniture painting, scrapbooking and gardening. AND sewing of course! Here are the sewing patterns that are part of it~
The craftsy course is also a huge deal! Here is a list of craftsy courses that are part of the bundle. YES- you get to choose one of these courses for FREE if you buy the bundle. I chose the Custom-fit Slipcovers course and I can’t wait to get started and share my new things here on the blog!
I want to invite you to go ahead and buy this bundle. It is really fun and I know you will get a LOT out of it. Also- buy knowing that if you regret this tomorrow or next week- there is a MONEY BACK GAURANTEE for 30 days. This is the first bundle I have ever seen offer that!

Disclosure: I have included affiliate links in this post. Read the fine print about this bundle and read the answers to frequently asked questions about the bundle.