I love summer and going to the pool, beach and lake with the kids. They splash around and I relax (sorta) and it is really nice. But, I admit that sometimes I feel a bit like a pack mule lugging all the towels and chairs and snacks etc. Yes, the older ones carry their own towels and chairs. Yes, my husband helps me when he comes along! But, I am often the one doing the majority of the carrying. THUS, a new beach BAG!
This one was made using very lightweight fabrics and wide handles so I can just fold it up and put away without having it take up too much space. Bonus! I like making video tutorials nowadays :). So watch below to see the movie magic and make yourself a new boho beach bag too…
You will need a yard for the exterior and almost a yard for the lining too. I didn’t use any interfacing but you are welcome to add for a sturdier version. Here are a few more photos…