by Virginia | Apr 29, 2013 | patterns, sale, vacation
I don't know about you but I start thinking about summer vacations in January! Now is the time to sew up! Two of my summery patterns are on sale are this week! If you don't already have these 2 favorites, it's a great time to buy them...
by Virginia | Apr 22, 2013 | baby, patterns, sewing, sewing for baby
I have been losing a lot of baby socks lately. On our Washington DC trip, strangers kept coming up to me and either handing me fallen off socks or letting me know the baby was missing a sock. Whoops! Socks don't work so well to keep baby's...
by Virginia | Apr 16, 2013 | color inspiration, fabric, quilt, quilts, sewing, sewing for baby
It always feels great to complete a quilt. Even the simple versions of quilts that I make! I love how this one turned out. Cal was ready to celebrate too… I made this by using a 1/2 yard of six solid fabrics. For inspiration I visited...
by Virginia | Apr 12, 2013 | activities with kids, baby, quilt, quilts, sewing
I bought a stack of solids and finally starting cutting into them using this method. It’s really cool to try if half square triangles interest you! I love fun sewing tricks, don’t you? I enlarged the fabric pieces to 18″ x 18″...
by Virginia | Apr 9, 2013 | activities with kids, Travel, vacation
Last year we went down to the Smokey Mountains but this year we stayed a little closer to home and took the educational route. Washington DC is only about 5 hours away from us and we have friends that live close to the city. We had a great time! I...