by Virginia | Feb 25, 2013 | baby, patterns, sewing, sewing for baby
Yeah!! The pattern is ready and in the shop. No big surprise that pattern writing and testing takes a lot longer with baby in the house but I am proud of myself for finally getting it done! I love this project mostly because it is so useful....
by Virginia | Feb 13, 2013 | baby, patterns, sewing, sewing for baby, tutorial
Here is a little something I have been working on. It was only a matter of time before I started with some baby ideas! I wanted a changing pad with the diaper & wipes pocket attached. She is getting chubby! 3 months old tomorrow!...
by Virginia | Feb 12, 2013 | activities with kids, Holiday, kids craftings
Here is the flower craft preschool I am doing with Cal’s preschool tomorrow morning. I admit I was a bit of a grumpy baby coming up with this. First, I waited until this morning to make my plan. Second, I kept waffling about my plan. Third, I had to haul Cal...
by Virginia | Feb 6, 2013 | girls clothing, patterns, sewing, sewing clothes for the girls
Anne has decided she wants to be a fashion model. And a veternarian. And a scientist. For now, she is just silly. This is the Banyan Tee from Patterns by Figgy that is part of the Sew Fab e Pattern Sale. Have you bought your bundle...
by Virginia | Feb 4, 2013 | Uncategorized
Today is the 1st day of the 1st ever Sew Fab e-Pattern Bundle Sale and giveaway, sponsored by The Southern Institute and Fat Quarter Shop! Over the past eight weeks a lot of behind the scenes work has taken place to bring you this amazing bundle of ePatterns from...