Snowflakes today

Today we have real snowflakes outside.  Not the fun kind you can play in though- the kind that whip around and burn your face.  Not enough to sled, but still covering the ground and making our house feel cozy.  One of the things I want to do this...

Say Hello to My New Friend

Say hello to my new friend in the sewing room… Isn't she gorgeous?  Probably the best part of blogging is reaching out to people.  Sometimes your motivation for fiddling around with pictures and describing in detail your projects can get low....

Six Today

Today my Anne turned 6.   I am so happy for her.  She had a great day.  Most of it spent away from Mommy at school.  I am keeping my chin up about this whole growing older thing.  I still have plenty of time, right??  I can't...
Nine Minute Everyday Napkins Tutorial

Nine Minute Everyday Napkins Tutorial

Nine Minute Everyday Napkins Tutorial For a while I have been using cloth napkins that I made using this mitered corner tutorial. I love using them- not only for the nice feeling they have or how much prettier my table looks, but because I know I am doing a small...