I can’t help but notice how popular unicorns are right now- mostly because I have my own 7 year old daughter ( and lots of friendws!) who LOVE them so much. She kept asking me to sew her one and both of us are so pleased with final the result! This new pattern, the Magical Unicorn PDF Sewing Pattern, is simple, fun, and creates the most adorable unicorn. Beginners and experienced sewers will all love this fun DIY unicorn sewing project. Ready for some pictures???

The finished unicorn is about 12” x 14” x 2”. The horn adds an extra 6”. This is a great size for creative play- large but not huge. It looks really cute as a decor item too! The mane and tail are created using wool felt blend which is more durable than regular 100% synthetic felt. Don’t have wool felt? No worries, stay tuned! There are several other options for the mane and tail if you don’t have wool felt in your stash. Here are a few more photos of the Magical Unicorn to show you some of its adorable versatility…

Are you ready to see some variations? Did you already think of some that you would be making? These cuties are really fun to accessorize! First I have this version with yarn mane (here is a link to make the yarn mane!) and a cute saddle.
The saddle is a just 2 pieces of cotton that measure 3” x 8” that are sewn right sides together with a 3” openning. I turn it right side out and pressed. I also attach 2 pieces of ribbon that were 12” long to either short end for the tie.

Want to make more like this?
I have a great pattern to take your skills to the next level!
Jane of Buzzmills created this stuffed unicorn pillow below. She used handmade marbled fabric for the body! A printed fabric like this one looks especially magical. Be careful of very busy prints though since it can make it hard to see the eyes. Jane got it just right with this print!

Another idea for the Magical Unicorn Pattern is to shrink the pattern printing size down to 75% and make this cute Pony version. A bonus I discovered is that size fits perfectly onto a fat quarterpiece of fabric! Also, visit this blog post to see how I created the yarn mane and tail if you prefer that look. The yarn mane is a bit (like 15 minutes) more time consuming but perhaps easier than you think!
My friend Kristin of Waterside Hearth made this cute version of the unicorn for her daughter. You can see other version by visiting her Instagram post HERE. Since Kristin did not have any felt, she was clever enough to use microfiber fleece scraps for the mane and tail. This material does not fray and is sturdy like felt. So smart and it looks great!

As you can see, the new Magical Unicorn Sewing pattern has so mnay possibilities! You can purchase the pattern over in my shop HERE. It is a simple and fairly quick pattern. I made many samples to get the shape just right so you could sew this cute pillow quickly and have a gorgeous looking unicorn!