I love a good New Year

Happy New Year to all you friends out there!  I truly hope that 2015 is your best year yet.  I hope you take risks and follow your dreams and love and laugh and do all that good and wonderful stuff that makes life so wonderful. I just made this banner for our new...

The winner of the DIY crayon Art Folio kit was Jen of quilter in the closet won!  She chose the corodiles for a special boy who is coming to visit at new years.  I love knowing some cute little guy will be using the crayon holder. In other news, I am still trying to...
American Patchwork & Quilting Podcast with Moi…

American Patchwork & Quilting Podcast with Moi…

I will be chatting with the lovely Pat Sloan on American Patchwork & Quilting Podcast today.  I am so excited.  She seems so nice and I am looking forward to chatting about my book.  Come listen so I know I have some supporters out there!  here is the link to go...