by Virginia | Jan 6, 2015 | fabric, Handmade Business, Sewing To Sell
The Sewing to Sell Blog tour is still going strong! Last week, Jenny from The Southern Institute wrote about getting your finances in order when starting (or fixing up!) a handmade business. Be sure to go over and read her blog post- you might learn something new...
by Virginia | Dec 31, 2014 | fabric, Holiday, Uncategorized
Happy New Year to all you friends out there! I truly hope that 2015 is your best year yet. I hope you take risks and follow your dreams and love and laugh and do all that good and wonderful stuff that makes life so wonderful. I just made this banner for our new...
by Virginia | Dec 18, 2014 | give away, patterns, sale
The winner of the DIY crayon Art Folio kit was Jen of quilter in the closet won! She chose the corodiles for a special boy who is coming to visit at new years. I love knowing some cute little guy will be using the crayon holder. In other news, I am still trying to...
by Virginia | Dec 9, 2014 | give away, Handmade Business, Sewing To Sell
Two of my favorite bloggers reviewed Sewing to Sell this week so far- Tara Faul of Girl Like the Sea and Monica Swift of Adirondack Inspired. First, Tara tried out the boxy pin cushion. Can you believe that she has never sewn a pin cushion before? This one is...
by Virginia | Dec 8, 2014 | Sewing To Sell
I will be chatting with the lovely Pat Sloan on American Patchwork & Quilting Podcast today. I am so excited. She seems so nice and I am looking forward to chatting about my book. Come listen so I know I have some supporters out there! here is the link to go...