After School Spring Walk

I did do a bunny craft at Anne's preschool this week but the pictures are so dark that I couldn't bear to do a whole blog post devoted to them.  They are adorable but preschool lighting is not the best!  You can see them here. The spring weather...

A Fresh Start

Phew!  The Handmade Arcade is finally over.  I have to admit all that production sewing wasn't my bag.  Things went well- not awesome but well and I am happy to have the experience.   Part of the reason I feel a little let down is that my...

Green is the Queen

I hope you aren't sick of me showing off my color scrap quilts but I can't help it.  I think I mastered the whole mitered corners and easy binding.  Flannel is the way to go with making it wrap around for the binding and I used this easy tutorial...

Orchids and Tape

Yesterday my sister in law Jenny and I went to the Phipps Conservatory together.  It was the annual orchid and bonsai show.  Usually when I meet up with her I don't bring my camera since I know she will have hers.  Her photos are magic!...

Today She is Five

Today is my middle girl's birthday.  Here she is telling me about all the STUFF she wants. I think for my birthday I will ask to freeze time and for her to stay exactly as she is today and never change a bit.  But my birthday is in 6 months and she...