by Virginia | Mar 11, 2017 | patterns, sewing, tween
Every time I say “New” classic bowling bag I cringe a little inside thinking, “Can I call my pattern a new classic??” But I do love this new pattern and I am so excited to share it with you all! Here it is! A sewing pattern to create the...
by Virginia | Nov 14, 2016 | Books, give away, Holiday
I am so excited for another round of Gifts Sewing this year! Do you remember when I did a similar series back in 2013? Well, it has been 3 years and I thought it would be great to do it again! Not only will you be seeing all the fabulous sewing of some very...
by Virginia | Aug 9, 2016 | patterns, photo taking, sewing
I am so excited about my newest sewing pattern! I have been thinking about making a fabric frame for years. In fact, I made a version once to appear in a friend’s sewing book but we decided to do a different project instead. That frame stuck in my head though...
by Virginia | Nov 17, 2015 | sale, Sewing To Sell
Sale time! For 10 days, 30% ALL PDF SEWING PATTERNS. This is the biggest sale I do each year. The only time every pattern is on sale for that big of a discount. So, stock up and start making! Another thing I wanted to share with you is my newest secret weapon to...
by Virginia | Jul 8, 2015 | patterns, sewing, Travel
I have been working on this for quite a while and I am so excited to share it with you. I am thinking it will be ready for purchase Monday, July 13th. YAY! (now avialable! Purchase pattern here). Isn’t it fun? And guess what? This is just the first...